
At a high level, a temporary container will be created for each task, execute the specified command and exit. The downside of this approach is that there is no convenient way to know what happened during the execution of the command (the container is ephemeral therefore it is difficult to inspect the logs). The containers are configured to log using the Docker's default json-file driver. The logs will be generated and saved to the container log. They will be available only during the container lifetime. Therefore it is recommended to use a log aggregation solution (ELK, Loki, SumoLogic, etc) in order to inspect the logs.

Log tags

version: "3.9"
x-logging: &logging
    driver: json-file
      max-size: 100m
      max-file: "3"
      tag: 'blockchain|validator_management|lighthouse|{{.ImageName}}|{{.Name}}|{{.ImageFullID}}|{{.FullID}}'


The logging is configured to integrate with Observability stack deployed using slingnode.ethereum_observability role. You can use the observability role tp deploy a full monitoring stack for you Ethereum node.

Last updated