Role variables

The variable naming and layout is the same as in the slingnode.ethereum role. This is a deliberate design choice which enables seamless integration of both roles and full node deployment in a single Playbook.

Role variables are defined in 'defaults'. This means they have the lowest precedence and can be easily overridden. See Ansible documentation for details on the precedence.

All client specific variables are defined in their corresponding variable file. All client specific variables have unique names (prefixed with clientname_) so there's no risk of a clash.

Variable locationPurpose


generic variables for the role; common variables for all clients


variables specific to the client

Important variables

This section outlines variables that you will most likely want to modify.


"clients" variable defines what clients the tasks will execute against.

  • execution: geth, nethermind, erigon, besu

  • consensus and validator: lighthouse, prysm, teku, nimbus

  execution: geth
  consensus: lighthouse
  validator: lighthouse

action variables

The variables below define what action the role will perform. All default to false, set to true to carry out required action.

import_validator_keys_api: false
import_validator_keys_cmd: false
export_slashing_protection_db: false
import_slashing_protection_db: false


When set to true the role will copy the slashing protection DB from the control host to the managed host where the import will occur. The variable is used with source_slashing_protection_db_to_copy and import_slashing_protection_db set to true. Otherwise it has no effect.

copy_slashing_protection_db_to_server: true
source_slashing_protection_db_to_copy: local_soource/slashing_protection.json
import_slashing_protection_db: true


Variable required for command line based key import tasks. It specifies local source of the keystore and password files to copy to the server.

  - src: molecule/resources/test_validator_keystores/keystore-m_12381_3600_1_0_0-1680087924.json
    dest: "{{ blockchain_root_path }}/validator/keystore/keystore-m_12381_3600_1_0_0-1680087924.json"
  - src: molecule/resources/test_validator_keystores/keystore-m_12381_3600_1_0_0-1680087924.txt
    dest: "{{ blockchain_root_path }}/validator/keystore/keystore-m_12381_3600_1_0_0-1680087924.txt"


Specifies file name on the managed server containing password to decrypt the keystore. Required by Lighthouse and Prysm.

keystore_password_file: "keystore-m_12381_3600_1_0_0-1680087924.txt"


Variable used with API based keystore import. It specifies local paths on the control host. Use this variable when you do not want to import slashing protection DB along with the keystores.

  - keystore: molecule/resources/test_validator_keystores/keystore-m_12381_3600_1_0_0-1680087924.json
    password: molecule/resources/test_validator_keystores/keystore-m_12381_3600_1_0_0-1680087924.txt


Variable used with API based keystore import. It specifies local paths on the control host. Use this variable when you want to import slashing protection DB along with the keystores.

  - keystore: molecule/resources/test_validator_keystores/keystore-m_12381_3600_0_0_0-1669980799.json
    password: molecule/resources/test_validator_keystores/keystore-m_12381_3600_0_0_0-1669980799.txt
    slashing_protection_db: molecule/resources/test_validator_keystores/slashing_protection_db.json

Last updated